BCFR News & Stories

Agency News

DRLD 2021: In This Together!

This year marked the 20th anniversary of Disability Rights Legislative Day, when typically hundreds of people with disabilities and advocates gather at the capitol for a rally,…

Agency News

Something New Sprouts in Supported Living

Gardening is a fun spring activity that brings benefits such as spending time outdoors. It is also a great way to exercise, learn about nutrition, socialize with…

Jaxyn grins for a photo outdoors with her curly brown hair blowing in the wind.
Agency News

There’s No Stopping Jaxyn

Starting high school can be a daunting task for anyone.  Looking back, Jaxyn remembers trying to fit in to impress others but having some difficulty building friendships…

Agency News


COVID VACCINE RESOURCES FOR REGISTERING The following list was developed to assist in securing a COVID vaccine. The State of Missouri has established guidelines on prioritizing populations…

Woman wears wizard hat smiles for photo contest.
Supported Living

Supported Living Takes a Mystical Escape

Many supported living residents enjoyed going on a mystical escape to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, straight from their home! Thanks to a little bit of…

Portrait photo of Jeff.
Agency News

Jeff’s 2020 SARTAC Fellowship & Mission

Addressing the School to Prison Pipeline During his time as a student, Jeff Johnson’s son — who is black and has a disability — was suspended 217…

Young man standing in front of Culver's restaurant.
Support Coordination

Jacob’s Motivation Leads to Successful Employment

Like many high school seniors, Jacob began looking for his first job after graduation. With significant challenges related to expressive language and overall social skills, he was…

A teenage girl sits outdoors in an adapted wheelchair.
Support Coordination

Sofia’s Turn

On a recent trip to St. Louis, Sofia and her mother, Tracey, decided to enjoy the beautiful day and take a quick trip to the Zoo before…

Agency News

BCFR stands in solidarity against racism and injustice